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Pranayama has both Mental and Physical



Pranayama is an ancient observation of controlling the breath, which is the main source of our prana, or very important vital force. It controls respiration which has deep inhaling, exhaling, and retention of breath. according to modern medical science.

Physically, Pranayam seems to be a Systematic Exercise of respiration, that makes the lungs stronger, improves blood circulation, makes the person healthier, and bestows upon him the boon of extended life.

Most people don’t have the habit of respiration deeply with the result that solely one-quarter part of the lungs is brought into action and seventy-five percent remains idle. with the result that they get contaminated by many diseases like TB, respiratory diseases, and several other ailments like coughing, bronchitis, etc.

Pranayama will relieve symptoms of Bronchial Asthma. It’s additionally helpful in treating Stress Connected Disorders, like anxiety and depression.

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