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Shin Splint Treatment in Dwarka

Shin Splint Treatment | Pain Free Physiotherapy Clinic

Shin Splint Treatment in Dwarka


The pain in the front of the lower leg is often referred to as Shin splint. This pain on the front of the shin-bone can appear due to a number of causes. More often it can be categorized into overuse syndrome, resulting from rigorous training. The Best Shin Splint Treatment in Dwarka can be availed at a Physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka.

Symptoms of Shin Splint

  • Gradual onset of pain over the shin-bone.
  • Pain before and after a rigorous training
  • Pain eases during the training phase.
  • Shinbone pain is the first worst thing noticed in the morning.
  • Swelling or lumps and bumps felt along the inside of the bone, particularly in more chronic cases where new bone growth occurred through repeated trauma.
  • Occasionally in severe causes reddening of the skin over the inside of the leg from acute inflammation may be seen.

Differential Diagnosis:

The Physiotherapist needs to rule out other conditions which can mimic similar symptoms, like

    • Tibia stress fracture,
    • Chronic compartment syndrome or
    • Popliteal artery entrapment.

What are shin splints?

It is a common term that can include a number of diagnoses or causes and is not an actual injury or diagnosis in itself. It is the name athletes frequently give to pain along the inside of the shin-bone. Medial tibial stress syndrome or medial tibial traction periostitis is a more accurate description of what is usually going on.

The muscles of the lower leg pull on the periosteum or sheath surrounding the shin-bone causing pain and inflammation. This is an overuse injury resulting from increasing running mileage too quickly, excessive training on hard surfaces, and running on your toes as in sprinting repetitions.

Certain biomechanical factors such as over-pronation (rolling in) of the feet may be seen or particularly tight calf muscles can increase the likelihood of developing shin pain.

Medial tibial stress syndrome is the most common cause of shin pain which people generally refer to as shin splints. It is primarily an overuse injury where repetitive strain causes traction forces on the sheath surrounding the bone resulting in pain and inflammation.

Causes of shin splints?

Although too much running, jumping, or sprinting is the obvious cause, there are a number of factors that can increase the likelihood of shin pain developing.

Overpronation occurs when the foot rolls inwards too much, flattening the arch of the foot and causing the lower leg to rotate inwards. This, in turn, increases the stress on the soft tissues of the lower leg, resulting in pain and inflammation.

Over supination is where the foot rolls outwards too much during the time the foot is in contact with the ground. If you think you have suspected biomechanical issues then a professional can do gait analysis tests either with a treadmill or using force plates to determine this and whether corrective orthotic inserts for your shoes are needed.

Inadequate footwear such as the wrong type of shoe for your running style or running shoes that are just too old and have lost their support and cushioning can cause injury. Overpronators may require a running shoe with a firmer midsole on the inside to reduce the amount of rolling in (known as a stability shoe or motion control shoe). Supinators usually require a neutral shoe with plenty of cushioning. A specialist running shop can advise.

Increasing training too quickly is one of the more common causes of shin splints. Running on hard surfaces or on your toes as in sprinting and generally doing too much too soon will increase the risk of injury.

Poor flexibility at the ankle can cause increased stress on the soft tissues, muscles, and tendons of the lower leg when running. The calf muscles and in particular the tibialis posterior muscle may need stretching. Calf stretches of the use of a plantar fasciitis night splint can help.

Shin splints treatment

Treating shin splints involves reducing pain and inflammation, identifying and correcting training errors and biomechanical problems, and restoring muscles to their original condition through stretching, exercises, and massage.

Apply the PRICE principles of protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation to reduce initial pain and inflammation. Apply a cold therapy and compression wrap to the painful area of the shin for 10 minutes every hour, initially reducing frequency to 3 or 4 times a day as symptoms improve.

Protect and support the area with a shin splint sleeve or compression support. This will help keep the muscles warm and supple as well as providing support to the inflamed tissues.

Rest – avoid running, jumping, or any other activities which make symptoms worse. Replace running with swimming or cycling. If you have to be on your feet a lot, then applying a simple shin taping technique can reduce the strain on the lower leg helping rest the soft tissues and often may instantly relieve painful symptoms. Taping can be applied all the time until the pain has gone and then occasionally during exercise as activities levels are built up.

A doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medication such as Ibuprofen in the early or acute stage (do not take if you have asthma) and orthotic insoles to correct biomechanical problems of the foot may be prescribed. A full rehabilitation program with exercises, particularly stretching for the calf muscles, is important with a very gradually return to full fitness. Finding a shin splint cure involves combining a number of different treatment techniques together.

Sports massage can be used to reduce tension in the muscles of the lower leg which may be causing traction on the bone. Removing any tight lumps, bumps, and knots as well as encouraging blood flow may aid the healing process. However, it is critical to avoid the bone as massage for shin pain done incorrectly may increase inflammation and pain. Read more details on treatment & rehabilitation.

Exercises to stretch the muscles of the lower leg are essential, in particular, calf stretching exercises will stretch the tibialis posterior muscle, which is often associated with shin pain. Calf stretching exercises should be done both with the knee straight and bent. Strengthening exercises may also be required, although being an overuse injury, it is rest and stretching which should be the priority. A gradual return to full fitness is important. Calf raises, and toe raise exercises can help get the muscles of the lower leg working again. Read more on exercises for shin splints.

Visit us: https://painfreephysiotherapy.com and Book Appointment Online at 8800299652, 9650877527

Dr. Roshan Jha worked with leading Hospitals of Delhi like Batra Hospital and BLK Super Speciality Hospital. Dr. Roshan Jha is an innovative, resourceful, and ever-evolving Physiotherapist who takes pride in his offerings to the patients. He is one of those rare physiotherapists who take a special interest in Orthopaedics, neuro patients, and Sports Rehabilitation.

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