Sports Physiotherapy in Dwarka
Sports Physiotherapists are specialized personnel who deal with injuries and issues related to sportspeople. They have sport-specific detailed knowledge and can diagnose and treat all sorts of acute, chronic, and Overuse Injuries.
Sports injuries are different from other day-to-day injuries. Sportspersons normally perform a relatively very high level of activity which stresses their skeletal system, muscles, and ligaments to extreme limits. Sports physiotherapists help athletes recover from sporting injuries, guide in proper training activity, and provide necessary guidelines to prevent injuries.
Physiotherapist in sports injuries treats athletes by electrical means, thermal means, mechanical agents, manually, therapeutic exercises and with special techniques.
According to WCPT (World confederation of physical therapy), Physiotherapist in Sports uses a set of methods, techniques, and performances, which through the use and application of physical agents prevent, recover and readjust to persons with locomotor, produced by sport or exercise at different levels.
The Sports Physiotherapist has the following specific functions:
- Sports Physiotherapist advises the sportsperson and professionals linked to it and performs any actions that help improve the overall condition of the athlete and avoid injury to the athlete.
- The Physiotherapist alerts athletes how to avoid, as far as possible, all those factors that might bring up injuries by sports in general and in particular sports, associated injuries and/or consequences of injury primary, and its possible recurrence.
- The Physiotherapist works to regain the functionality of the athlete quickly which accelerates the biological processes of recovery from injury, limiting his training as little as possible and ensuring that they are reinstated with the greatest prospects for success.
- The Physiotherapist uses his knowledge in making the athlete begins his sport in the physical conditions as similar as possible to those presented before the injury.
The Physiotherapist in Sport work to regain the functionality of the athlete as quickly as possible, accelerating the biological processes of recovery from injury, limiting his training as little as possible, and ensure that they return to sports with the greatest prospects for success. - The Sports Therapist should document the treatment and outcome of patients and can indulge in research to come up with better treatment protocols in sports physiotherapy for quicker and better recovery of athletes.
We at PAIN-FREE PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC are well-equipped with the latest treatment techniques in sportspersons. In recent times sports have come a long way with advancements and the high demand it puts on athletes. So the athletes are more prone to injuries.