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Assam Downtown University Launches New Ventures to Meet the Growing Demand for physiotherapy Education.

Assam Downtown University Launches New Ventures to Meet the Growing Demand for physiotherapy Education.

Importance of Physiotherapy in Health Care Industry

The physiotherapy profession is important in the healthcare industry and has long been a part of the medical community. AdtU, Assam Downtown University strives to produce the highest quality health care professionals possible.

It gives us great pleasure to announce that the physiotherapy program at AdtU has established new ventures such as the Gait Lab, Electromyography studies lab, and Pulmonary Function test lab with Spirometer to meet the needs of the new education prospect of Physiotherapy.
For the first time in Assam, all three technological medical assets, which play critical roles in diagnosis and treatment, will be housed in the same university, taking into account the current situation.

Gait labs or motion analyzers study biomechanics and aid in the assessment, diagnosis, and proper treatment plan by studying various gait parameters, distinguishing between normal and abnormal gait, and assisting in critical analysis of gait abnormalities.

Electromyography studies are also useful in ruling out any musculoskeletal issues by studying groups of muscles to identify the underlying pathology.

Pulmonary function tests are non-invasive tests that are used to determine how the lung works and its condition in order to assess different lung volumes and capacities.

A spirometer is another important tool for assessing lung quality and function, as well as for respiratory muscle training. Following a pandemic, the entire society is in desperate need of new approaches to rapid analysis and treatment.

Doctors Who Were Present to Celebrate the Occasion

Mr. Jyotishman Dutta, Managing Trustee, AdtU(Assam Downtown University) Dr Dharmeshwar Das, Chairperson of Research AdtU, Dr. Pratap Ch Sarma, Principal, Chairperson of Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, Dr. Binod Ch Sarma, Associate Professor, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, Dr. Nirmali Sharma, Associate Professor were all present to celebrate the occasion. Dr Tarini Kanti Das, Professor, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, Dr. Ganesh, Dean of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, Dr. Abhijit Dutta, Associate Dean, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, and other dignitaries were in attendance.

Source Of the News: Newslivetv.com

Dr. Roshan Jha worked with leading Hospitals of Delhi like Batra Hospital and BLK Super Speciality Hospital. Dr. Roshan Jha is an innovative, resourceful, and ever-evolving Physiotherapist who takes pride in his offerings to the patients. He is one of those rare physiotherapists who take a special interest in Orthopaedics, neuro patients, and Sports Rehabilitation.

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