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What is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo? Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, typically abbreviated BPPV, is the most common cause of true spinning vertigo. BPPV is defined by episodic vertigo lasting 10-30 seconds and is evoked by specific head positions.BPPV occurs when tiny calcium-carbonate crystals, otoconia, become dislodged from one place in

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome The term carpal tunnel syndrome was first described by Sir James Paget in the year 1883.This is the most common entrapment neuropathy (compression neurological problem) of the upper extremity. The median nerve gets entrapped in the narrow tunnel formed between the carpal bones and the transverse

Knee osteoarthritis is the most common cause of knee pain in older adults and the most prevalent form of arthritis found in joints. It is one of the leading causes of disability in older adults, affecting individuals’ ability to move and carry out daily activities. This article will be covering

The first Total Knee Replacement (TKR) was pioneered by Leslie Gordon Percival Shiers (FRCS) in 1954. He refused to patent his invention, but rather allow other surgeons to modify and improve on his ideas. Who needs Knee Replacement Surgery? We very commonly see elderly ladies walking with a sway to one or

The pain at the front of the lower leg is often referred to as Shin splint. This pain at the front of shin bone can appear due to a number of causes. More often it can be categorized into overuse syndrome, resulting from rigorous training. Symptoms of Shin Splint?Gradual onset

What is Knee Arthroscopy? Arthroscopy surgery is a minimally invasive operation to repair a damaged joint. The surgeon examines the joint with an arthroscope (joint camera) while making repairs through a small incision.knee arthroscopy can be done to investigate or repair knee joint-related problems such as meniscus tears, some ligament (ACL/ PCL)

What is Golfer's Elbow? An injury to the site of origin of the muscles that flex the wrist and fingers is termed as Golfer’s Elbow or Medial Epicondylitis. The site of origin of these muscles in on the inner aspect of the elbow, the bony bump on the inside of the

What is Tennis Elbow? Lateral Epicondylitis/ Epicondylosis commonly known as TENNIS ELBOW is caused due to repetitive wrist and hand movement which require constant gripping action. This condition is categorized in Overuse Injury. The muscles that extend the wrist and fingers backward have a common origin at the outer aspect of

What is Repetitive Strain Injury? The condition is self-explanatory, small repetitive. Movements at work may lead to strain on muscles, tendons, tendon sheath, ligaments, nerves, and joints. These injuries are classified as RSI (repetitive Strain Injury). These are again Overuse Injury, which are occupational in origin, so also known as Occupational

Injuries that occur over a period of time, with repeated movement causing micro-trauma, finally leading to injuries are referred to as Overuse Injury. Such as- repetitive backhand stroke in tennis may lead to tennis elbow, i.e. Lateral Epicondylitis. These conditions are different from sudden injuries like a sprained ankle, which

Neck Pain Physiotherapy is required when you have these symptoms:Stiffness; Restricted neck movements; Grinding sound with neck movements; Stiff nodes around neck muscles called trigger points; Referring pain to the back of the head. (one side of the head, behind the eye, above the eyebrows, sides of jaws or

What is Chiropractic Practice? Chiropractic practice is an alternative practice that is related to the diagnosis, analysis, and treatment (medicine, orthopedic, or physiotherapy) of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal structure or system of the human body. It is often considered a form of pseudo-scientific form of therapy that works with other

Physiotherapy At Home Physiotherapy is the medical treatment of disorders, injury, or diseases through physical means rather than surgeries or usage of drugs. It involves exercises and massages. It can also be described as the use of mechanical force and movements with the aid of health professions known as physiotherapists to

Labral Tear (Hip) Treatment The margins of the socket part of the hip joint are attached with a cartilaginous rim around it to deepen the socket known as the labrum. The purpose of the cartilaginous rim is to provide greater stability to the joint. The labrum can get torn and produce

Physiotherapy is an essential part of Post-Fracture Physiotherapy/ Rehabilitation. A fracture usually unites in 3 weeks in upper limb fractures and 6 weeks time in lower limb fracture with some exceptions. A fracture union is a lifelong process with modeling and re-modeling phases going throughout life.Normally an un-displaced fracture on

Meralgia Paresthetica is also called as Bernhardt-Roth syndrome It is a neurological condition that causes numbness, tingling, and sometimes pain in the outer aspect of the thigh, but often not so serious. The lateral femoral cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve compressed in the inguinal ligament is the most probable cause

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