Chiropractic Adjustment
The chiropractic Adjustment was initially believed to align the mal-aligned segment of the spine causing pain relief and increased mobility. However, further studies and research showed how it helps influence the overall functioning of the body and not just reduce pain and improve mobility.
Chiropractic adjustment of the spine directly affects our brain functioning, nervous system, our immunological response, healing, and recovering capabilities, and chemical/ hormonal/ neurotransmitter balance. Mood, sleep, digestive, cardiac functions, and several other functioning of the body.
Over the years of practice, we have come across several patients, who were not just benefitted from increased mobility/ flexibility and reduced pain but other benefits as listed below:
- Better sleep
- Better generalized health
- Less frequent illness
- Lesser mood swings
- Improving vision
- Better digestion
- Controlled bp
- Improved bladder/ bowel functioning
- Fewer headache issues
- Cleared through process, and many more
The infographic below will better explain what I meant to explain above.