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Joint Pain has been Reported in Young Adults, by Doctors

Joint Pain has been Reported in Young Adults | Pain Free Physiotherapy Clinic

Joint Pain has been Reported in Young Adults, by Doctors

Pain in joints has been reported in young adults by doctors all over the world. 15% to 20% of young individuals experience joint pain, Every day, two to three patients with joint pain are seen in the OPD.

Joint discomfort is no longer solely a problem for the elderly. Young adults, particularly those who have recovered from COVID-19, are reporting an increase in joint pain. Many young people are complaining of bone and joint issues. It is crucial to take good care of your joints by working out every day, eating a healthy diet, and keeping a healthy weight.

These days, young individuals frequently have joint and bone pain. “Some of the worrying causes of joint pain include arthritis, bursitis, which is an inflammation of the cushioning pads around joints, obesity, lupus, gout, an injury, fibromyalgia, and osteoporosis. Every year, the majority of older adults seek medical attention for joint pain and discomfort. Along with people who have recovered from Covid-19, young adults in their 20s, 30s, and 40s are currently complaining of joint discomfort as a result of working from home and consuming a diet high in fat and sugar. Swollen, red, and painful joints, ongoing pain, and fever are some of the symptoms. 15-20% of young patients between the ages of 35 and 40 experience joint pain, according to Dr. Vishwajeet Chavan, an orthopedic surgeon with Apollo Spectra Hospital, Pune.

Orthopedic Surgeons Advice

Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Ashish Suryavanshi of Lokmanya Hospital said Heavy physical exertion or even sprains may be the cause of the joint pain. When bones start to weaken over time, it can lead to a number of disorders, including osteoporosis and the inflammatory disease rheumatoid arthritis (a common bone disease wherein the body loses bone, makes little bone, or both). Joint pain can be brought on by tendinitis, or tendon inflammation, an infection of the bone or joint, overuse of a joint, malignancy, or rickets due to insufficient vitamin D levels. The proportion of young individuals experiencing joint pain is rising daily. Women are more likely than men to be affected. Two to three patients out of every four people who visit the OPD are suffering from joint pain.

“Choose a balanced diet rich in bone-friendly fresh vegetables, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and seafood to help control joint discomfort. Make sure you get enough sun each day, and keep an eye on your vitamin D levels.

Exercise to keep your weight at a healthy level. To prevent injuries, stretch before working out, advised Dr. Chavan.

“If your discomfort is minimal, take the suggested prescription, take a warm bath, physiotherapy, and rest. Due to their deteriorating health, some persons may also require joint replacement surgery,” Dr Suryavashi concluded.

Sources of Report : newspatrolling.com

If you are in need of help with your body pain and would like to discuss your options with one of our chiropractors, call or visit us today at Pain-Free Physiotherapy Clinic.


Dr. Roshan Jha worked with leading Hospitals of Delhi like Batra Hospital and BLK Super Speciality Hospital. Dr. Roshan Jha is an innovative, resourceful, and ever-evolving Physiotherapist who takes pride in his offerings to the patients. He is one of those rare physiotherapists who take a special interest in Orthopaedics, neuro patients, and Sports Rehabilitation.

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